How do I find latitude and longitude on Google Maps?

November 8, 2020 by Tomas

If you are looking to find the Latitude and Longitude of a place, or to enter the coordinates of a place on Google Maps, keep reading.

Find the Latitude and Longitude of a place in Google Maps

To find the coordinates of a place in Google Maps, follow the below steps:

  1. In your device, go to Google Maps

  2. Use the search box at the top, to find your desired place:

  3. Right click the place or area in the map, and select the option 'What's here?'

  4. At the bottom, you should see a card describing the place with its (decimal) coordinates.

    Note: If the card shows up and disappears in a blink, try zooming in and then repeat step 3.

  5. Great! you have found the coordinates of a place using Google Maps.

In the following example, the Latitude and Longitude of London are 51.508199, -0.127849

Enter the Coordinates of a place in Google Maps

To find a place having the GPS coordinates on Google Maps, follow the below steps:

  1. In your device, go to Google Maps

  2. Use the search box at the top, to type your coordinates. Here you have some format examples:

    • Using Decimals: 51.5073219, -0.1276474
    • Using Decimal Degrees (DD): 51.5073219° N, 0.1276474° W
    • Using Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DDM): 51°30.439314'N, 0°7.658844'W
    • Using Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS): 51°30'26.4''N 0°7'39.5''W
  3. Done! You should see the place related to your coordinates.

Following our previous example, having the coordinates (of London: 51.5073219, -0.1276474 ), we can find the place using Google Maps: